Purple Lavender


The compounds in Lavender that give the herb its unique scent, also provide the medicinal benefits the plant is well known for.
Lavender is most often used as a condiment, added to dishes to enhance the flavor, just like a spice. Lavender can be used as a garnish for tarts, ice cream, sorbets and beverages. Fresh Lavender flowers are used in sauces, marinades and desserts.

3 in stock

Category: SKU: PDPULA


The compounds in Lavender that give the herb its unique scent, also provide the medicinal benefits the plant is well known for. Lavender is most often used as a condiment, added to dishes to enhance the flavor, just like a spice. Lavender can be used as a garnish for tarts, ice cream, sorbets and beverages. Fresh Lavender flowers are used in sauces, marinades and desserts.

Plant Care:

Lavender’s leaves are attached to the stem. Cut the longest stems and use the leaves from it, allowing the energy to go back into the root system for growing more stems with leaves.


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