Bush beans, or snap beans, grow on a rounded, shrub-shaped plant and do not need structural support. Bean pods can be green, yellow, purple, or even speckled with red! The beans are a very rich source of dietary fiber (9% per 100g RDA) which acts as a bulk laxative.
Bush beans are very low in calories (31 calories per 100 g of raw bean pods) and contain no saturated fat. Bush beans contain excellent levels of vitamin-A, and health-promoting flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and β -carotene in the right amount.
Plant Care
Bean pods that are ready to be harvested should be well-filled but not overly mature. Look for pods that are about 4-6 inches in length. Grasp the bean pod firmly but gently, and snap or cut it from the plant using scissors or garden shears. Harvesting regularly encourages the plant to produce more beans!
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